Why am I here looking for a Life Coach?
Something is standing between where you are and where you want to be. These barriers can be vastly different. For example, one could be caused by anxiety or fear, whereas another could be a lack of knowledge or understanding. It could even be an absence of an essential factor missing from your life.
Whatever this obstacle is, you've already attempted to fix it yourself. Or you've already contacted friends, family, or any immediate resources. Yet, despite any initial efforts, the obstacle remains. None of these resources have solved the problem or resolved it 100%. That's why you are transitioning between seeking advice and seeking a professional.
Catastrophic: The event is or has already happened. We're dealing with the aftermath. The focus of this will be the recovery process from a catastrophe. We want to stop the bleeding and focus on how we will heal from this.
Pre-Catastrophic: Everything is currently in motion before the event, with little hope or possible prevention. We are bracing for impact. We're looking to soften the blow and reduce the risk as much as possible, to decrease the severity of the catastrophe when it does occur.
Inevitable Collapse: Inevitable implies that it won't be immediate, but if things continue along this path, we will end up with a catastrophe. So we're talking about an eminent event if something doesn't change. The important part about this one is where it sits on the timeline; there is still time to prevent the catastrophe from happening.
Prudent Planning: This is before there is even a chance for a problem to take root. We implement plans of action that will deter issues or resolve them as they arise.